Thursday, October 23, 2014

Book Love

I just finished the best book, Death Comes to Pemberly by P.D. James! It is a murder mystery set six years after  Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. For a book nerd like me, it's a total double whammy. Not only does James nail an Austenesque voice (and loving detail about the characters we fell for in P&P) but weaves a murder mystery set in the woodlands of the vast Pemberly Estate that unravels all kinds of sordid misdeeds! It was perfect to be reading this time of year, because it has a bit of spookiness and begins in October.

I loved seeing a more personal side to the Darcy and Elizabeth relationship, and it is gratifying. Plus the book takes place from the perspective of both of them; so you get to walk around in their heads little bit, which I found to be fantastic.

The amusing faults of characters like Lady Catherine, Mrs. Bennet, Lydia and Wickham are pitch perfect while the good naturedness of Bingley and Jane, and the wry wit of Mr. Bennet walk you through the comfort of a well-loved and well-orchestrated world. Only once or twice a word choice felt a smidge modern, but everything else about it seemed as if Austen had signed off on this herself.

I really enjoyed it and will most likely add this to the list of books I read every year (with Chocolat, Like Water for Chocolate, Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibilitiy).

Have you read this book? Did you like it? Do you have any to recommend? I'd love to know!

I hope you have a truly wonderful day!

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