Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Project 2- Linen Closet/Master Bathroom

Look at this beautiful afternoon sky! I love the funky clouds, they make my head feel all swimmy.

Happy Wednesday, y'all!! I'm on day two of The Great Declutter! I began this blog in July as a way to find and hold onto positivity after a couple of years of depression. I've found so much gratification and inspiration and happiness in this project and I'm only two days in! I have to say I was a little surprised at how good it felt. I even daydreamed about yesterday's project at work the whole day before!

Yeah, it feels really good. Truly. I tackled the linen closet and bathroom cabinets last night. It took about an hour and a half. I did it all, man. Even folded the fitted sheets. That's right, I'm a fitted-sheet folding, decluttering badass! I didn't do it well, but I did it and that's the participation ribbon I'm going for, honestly.

I threw out a giant bag of garbage, recycled a ton of empty product bottles and boxes, streamlined the first aid/medicine and daily use stuff. I found all kinds of stuff I thought I'd lost (go figure). I cleaned it all up and then washed those two stinky dogs of mine on top of it. I'm telling you, when you get on a roll- decluttering and organizing- it's like crack.

Check that glory out right there. Sheets all folded and bundled. Spare blankets too. Corded things like heating pad, space heater etc., extra toiletries (never knew I had extras, just kept buying, I guess). Awesome. I'm going to bronze that picture.

And...not to brag, but I mean- hello! Look at that pretty bathroom counter! That is making the best out of a pretty pitiful little bathroom. I'm so proud. Aaaand I'm a nerd. Tonight is all about organizing & decluttering my jewelry, accessories & pj's (etc.). Boring, I know!

Have you done anything to make you feel particularly awesome lately? This is mine, what's yours? I'd love to know!!

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